Welcome to Italy! | Ride Type: Mountain | Ride Class: Solid
7.7/10 - Overall Rating
6.5/10 - Difficulty Rating
9.0/10 - Views Rating
7.5/10 - Fun Rating
What do I love the Dolomites. They never stop to impress, with their sharp points, broken crests and rocky fields. This is yet another great ride in these Italian mountains in what is a hard but manageable ride. Some ups and down for the first 22 kms before starting the final ascend to the top - think almost 800 heighmeters over 10km, or about 8% on average for the final ascend. Heavy, but manageable, as the gradient never hits more than 12%. The views are magnificent, with snow towards the end of the ride. There is the mandatory little mountain-villages alond the way, and the inevitable views on the valley. But what I most liked about his ride, is the variety of views. Green landscapes in the early part of the ride with view on mountains, followed by rocky and geological landscapes along the way to being fully surrounded by snow. Great ride!